Well, from my previous post I was talking about somebody wanting to move here in the city from North America. He did arrive and I did help him out here in Davao.
I was talking before of finding a place for him to stay here that’s near the water. I found a few houses that were near to the water. One house in particular that I saw was just a few meters away from the water. Of course I showed him that house first and instantly he wanted to rent it. I didn’t even take him to see the other houses that I was intending for him to see. He told me no need for him to see the other places. But I let him see some neighborhood that would be good for him in mind too in case he doesn’t want the one near the beach. When we went the other places he said he was happy with the one he had chosen near the beach.

The house that I found really was perfect for him. It’s quiet and the internet connection was good there too. He told me that internet connectivity was the most important thing for him. I really gave everything he wanted (what he told me to look before coming over) and he really is happy that I did all the stuff he wanted. On top of that I also helped him negotiate for a lower rent in his place and lower increase in rent for subsequent years. I also helped him find some people to clean and paint inside the house. To be honest the house was so filthy when we look the first time. The previous renter didn’t clean up before and the owner just didn’t have time to go and have somebody clean for them. The owners just were so busy with the business they have. The owner asked me if I know of somebody that will do everything what the new renter wanted and they will just reimbursed the new renter for it. I know people here so I had them work overtime because the new renter wanted to moved in as soon as possible. When my people started working I really asked them if they can finished right away. They said they will and they did it really. The new renter was really happy with the result. The house really looks good.
To be honest I did enjoyed helping out somebody wanting to move here. I’m having a blast introducing them to a lot of places here in Davao that I am familiar with. I also enjoyed shopping with them, spending the money of other people. 😉 Really it was fun teaching people too our cultures and way of life here. It’s really new to a lot of the foreigner. It’s fun watching them learned too. I think being lived abroad for 10 years really helped me lot. I understand how they felt being the foreigner there too in the States for 10 years.
Thank you, Ned for the opportunity to work with you. I really enjoyed teaching you. Hope you will stay here in the Philippines for a long time.