We always celebrate the Easter with painting of eggs the night before. The kids will paint to whatever design they like and dip it into different colors for fun. The Easter bunny will have some goodies for the kids too the next morning before the kids hunt Easter eggs.
This year, we have a newbie to Easter egg hunting, our helper Mel. She really thought it was so cool. We let her join in with our kids for Easter egg hunting in our yard. And Easter Bunny gave her lots of candies too. We told her to eat her candies instead of sending it to her kid. Her child is too young to eat candy right now anyway. Just by watching her we could tell she really had a blast. It was really nice watching her hunt with the kids. I’m glad we let her join in with our kids.
Our other helper has 2 children. She’s a stay out helper, in other words she does not live with us. She came to the house after the kids already finished with the egg hunting. We just let the kids gave some eggs to her kids. The Easter Bunny also left some goodies for her kids here at the house. So, she brought that with her when she went home at the end of the day.
On Easter day, while preparing what to cook for lunch. Bob asked me if we could go to the orphanage that we always went to before. He wanted to pay a visit with the kids there. He wants to bring some food for them there for lunch. I told Bob that it would be okay for me to go there. So Bob and I and AJ went to buy all the food that we wanted to bring there. While were out, our other kids were preparing themselves so that we will just swing by to pick them up before heading to the orphanage.
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We decided to bring cooked fried chicken, bread, fruits and cooked rice too. We just let our helper cook a big amount of rice while we were out buying the other food. We got to the orphanage around 12 pm. We thought that they will eat around that time. Well, as soon as we got there the kids were getting ready for their nap. A few of the toddlers were already sleeping. So I asked the lady that’s watching the kids whats the best time to go there if bringing food for lunch or dinner? She said around 10am for lunch and 4pm for dinner. I told her that I will keep that in mind and tell friends about it too. They said its okay that we went there, lots of those kids still remember us from our previous visits. They were so happy seeing us there.
When we first got there the kids were quiet and just stayed in their own beds. Well, just after few minutes they were already ready to play. They were really playing with our kids. Almost all of them like to be held and be given hugs. I felt sorry for Bob, they want that Bob will carry them. One kid after another was calling him and wanting him to carry them. They want pictures. One time I was caught off guard, I was talking to other kids and all of a sudden a few girls grab my hand with cell phone in my hand, I almost dropped my cell phone on the floor. They said in unison “we want pictures too.” I told them “of course I will take pictures of you guys.: They want pictures with Bob, ha ha ha. . We also brought our niece Bebe and our helper Mel.
Bob and I think that Mel probably misses her daughter when seeing lots of babies there. She told me that she really enjoyed going there. I could tell, she just can’t stop talking about it. We also brought Nicole with us. She stopped going there for awhile because she got scared with a little wild kid when we went there before. But this time she really had a blast and the kids like her too. A few kids keep holding on to her hand. One baby there that she wanted to take home was Christian. I guess all our kids wanted to take home Christian. He really likes our kids too. He mostly likes Jared and Bebe. If Jared would be out of his sight he would be looking for him. Jared stayed with him the whole time we’re there. I could tell that our kids really enjoyed going there a lot.
Bob and I decided that every Easter we will go there or go for giving away food and gifts for Easter. It was really fun doing it. It’s going to be another tradition in our household I think. Even just simple and little things to give it makes little kids happy and brought smile to their faces. It makes it all worthwhile.
I hope you guys had a good and happy Easter celebration!!!