Today I was shocked what my neice decided to do with her life. When she was just a baby my parents took care of her. When we moved here to lived we got her to lived with us and we then sent her to a very nice school. Well, when she moved out last year and stayed with a classmate. The brother of the classmate got her pregnant. Well it was a shocked to us that when she came back to see us she had baby already. Bob and I gave her second chance, we let her worked at our business and we are also babysitting the child. We told her to save up the money that we paid her from working with us so that in a year or so she can go back to school and finish up her nursing degree. We even offer to help her take care of the baby. Few days ago Bob offered her to let her work more hours so that she could earn more. Yesterday she e-mailed Bob and told him that she is not interested to work anymore. She was upset that we told her that she should work extra hard now to support the baby if she wants to give the baby good life. I think she was just shock why we are not giving her or sending her back to school like before. My goodness she really defy us before when we told her to stay in school and study, instead she went out and party and got drunk. She would tell us that she went to her classmates house to work on their projects, we believed on what she told us. We never thought that she could do what she did, drinking and lying to us. Now she still expects us to just hand her the money for her to go back to school now! Not gonna happen. I really thought she has learned her lessons when she moves out before, I guess not. We felt she’s still immature.
All of us here felt sorry for the baby. My neice just doesn’t know yet how to take care of the baby. Could be she’s just too lazy. Honestly we hope that the father of the baby will let my neice go back to school so that when she finish up her degree she will have a good job. We haven’t meet him yet because he is too chicken to come and see us. My heart ached for the baby, but I can’t be responsible for her. My neice is already old enough to know what she was doing. She needs to learn her lesson that we are not gonna be her wallet anymore. She just used us to get ahead and not even thankfull of what we did for her.