Yesterday I got a phone call while cooking breakfast for Bob.
It was really early in the morning. It was just me and Bob who were up. I thought it was an inquiry from the email about some land. I thought it was an overseas call because it was too early for people from here. The call was on my cell phone.
When I said hello, there was a lady asking me who I was? I told her you’re the one that’s calling me, I continue on saying may I know whose on the line please?
Then she asked me do you know Mr. so and so? I was trying to think and tried to remember the name, I told her I vaguely remember the name. I said why? She then said because you’re name is on his skype.
Ah what?
I asked her more if her man emailed me on LiP or about travel in Mindanao or Davao or about Samal? She can’t even answer me.
I was gonna tell her hmm, that’s strange because the only person that knows my skype is Bob. I never gave my skype account to anybody since I never use it. Why would I need skype we have Vonage? We just cut off our Vonage not that long ago. I had another option too if I don’t used vonage my pc was hooked to Bob’s skype account anyway. I like to use Vonage because I can just dial just like a regular phone line. When we didn’t have the vVonage I never used the skype on my pc.
Anyway, I think she saw my number on her husband or boyfriend’s pc or cell phone and tried to dial my number to make sure I’m not the second lady in line.
Holy molly, I don’t really need a jealous wife/girlfriend calling me. Early in the morning it already ruined my day. My goodness by the sound of her voice she’s way younger than me. She should have the confidence with her man not to stray away with other women. I don’t even remember if I communicated with her partner/husband. Geez, I wonder if he inquired from me a condo, a house or a land. I have to dig in through all my emails again.
Living here for over 10 years now, I’ve experienced a lot, I’ve meet too many ladies I thought that could be my friend. But they later tell their boyfriend/husband that they can’t hang out with me because of our age difference. They just don’t want it, their reason I am too old to be their friend they say. I just laugh it off because if they say I am too old for them to be their friend, but look whose talking, their boyfriend or husband is 20 years older than I am! I never had anything against any ladies that were married to older men. A lot of my friends in the States before that I hang out with they were married to older men and we don’t have any problem. But my goodness if they are talking bad about our age difference to be my friend I find it to be odd. I’m not sure if I am too boring for them, I don’t go out during night time. For me and Bob, that’s the time we spent with our kids. See we just like to go out meet people around lunch time. Maybe some of the ladies might still be in bed though. Maybe we are on different time zone. ha ha ha. :-). One thing with me and Bob’s relationship – we trust each other. Well, we would not be married this long if we did not. He can go anywhere without me. I can go anywhere without him. I don’t have to have someone to be with him, same for me. Lots of friends that I know they will have their brother or cousins to guard their husband. Oh well to each his own I guess.
Honestly a friend of ours told me before that his girlfriend, who was really young, in her teens. She confess to our friend that I was a threat. I really speak my mind and I can communicate well. She really had problem with me because her man asked advice from me about money matters. Her boyfriend just didn’t trust her when it comes to money. Of course she’s too young to know how to handle money. All she wants is spent it. She didn’t even knows how much her boyfriend was worth but Bob and I knew. Same stories with our other friends. The lists goes on and on.