I was reading on my kindle and looking at the cover of the book. I thought it’s about a dog. I guess it was really about the dog too, because the dog was helping them heal from heartache. Then when I started reading, it’s also about the kids who will be losing their dad. He was charged with (DUI) driving under the influence. It’s already his 4th felony. He will be sentenced to jail for 6 months. The kids, who are age 7 and 5, had no place to stay so they will be put to foster care. It used to be that the aunt took care of them when the dad was sent to jail from his previous felonies. She was just tired of him putting the alcohol first over his kids. So she told the brother that if he won’t straighten up that she will not take care of the kids anymore. So at the end it’s really the kids that got the raw deal. They don’t have anybody then at the end. Can you imagine a 7 year old taking care of himself and his younger sibling? Luckily a stranger with a dog went to the shop of the dad to have his motor home be fixed. The dad saw that the guy was nice. The stranger was a teacher. So he asked the stranger to take care of his kids for a few months. He did and it was not an easy decision for the stranger since he also had some problems to take care of himself. He just lost his son from drunk driver.
So it dawned on me, what if the situation would have been here in the Philippines, like the one I was describing on top. Would the family turn away those kids? In my mind I don’t think so, but who knows. If the family also would give a lesson to the father to not put the alcohol first over his kids. I was thinking with so many extended families here, I’m pretty sure one of the families will definitely take care of those kids. Or even the neighbors would probably offer to help out. I’m sure in America the neighbors will offer to help out too, but they’re also busy working and busy with their own lives. So really the kids there will be easily put to foster care. Here in the Philippines if nobody will take care of the kids, they could easily end up begging on the street. It’s really a pretty sad situation in both countries.
I’m not giving other example. I will give some members of my family as an example. One of my family was just so irresponsible with his wife and kids way back when I was younger. Of course the close family of the wife steps-in and took care of almost all their kids. It was hard for the parents of the wife watching their daughter being abused by their son-in-law. Let me tell you, it’s really hard to all of the family watching their sister being abuse by her husband. The brothers of the wife really wants to strangle the husband when his drunk. But the parents of the wife always said that it’s going to be the decision of the wife. All of the family were really hoping that she will leave the guy and go somewhere. But I think it show that love is blind. Some of my cousins really just wants to take care of him, I think you got the idea of what I meant by taking care. But it would never happened, because the parents of the lady, they would not allow the cousins be criminal. Later, when the kids of abusive guy and his wife got older. I think her husband got scared with the kids already. One of the kids that was raised by the parents of the wife and the other male kid threatens their dad that if he will be abusing their mom again that they will kill him. I think the husband got the message. He’s now a calm guy and just follow what his kids told him to do.
Another unending cycle not just the Philippines I guess but the world. I’ve seen too many people killed by drunk drivers. It’s just sad for the victims of the drunk driver and the people that they left behind especially the kids. I hope when those people drink they’re avoiding being behind on the wheels. Bob sister was one of the victim, she was hit by a drunk driver and died instantly. It was hard on Bob for so many years. The pain was there still until now.
Guys I’m not anti drinking or anything. It’s individuals choice or in other words to each his own. Just make sure you’re not hurting others at the end. Just drink moderately or have somebody drive for you or take a taxi!